You missed my point

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Posted by Jon Adams on August 09, 2008 at 05:44:28:

In Reply to: Re: Oh C R A P posted by kenric andrews on August 08, 2008 at 20:53:07: point was not to devalue anyone's performance in ANY one race. My point was this was a perfect illustration to Victor's earlier comment in regards to our team competition. That being, it wouldn't be a "valid" competition unless we are all running the "same" races.
For instance, it wouldn't be an accurate "measure" if you ran the Charity Run 10K, and on that same weekend I ran the Wasatch 10K in Utah (aka: "The toughest 10K")....even though they are the same distance....apples & oranges. In this case it wouldn't be accurate to use the Utah race for scoring purposes.....unless our teams made the trip to Utah and we all ran that race. Aside from that, as I tried to convey, Sylvia, myself and all runners.....relish, enjoy' and take pride in all of your good races WHENEVER and WHEREVER you have them....that's what makes it fun!

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