Posted by Monetta Roberts on September 13, 2008 at 14:40:17:
Sweet job by one and all at the inaugural USA race this a.m., as observed by this observer. You guys rocked the campus!
Three notable performances on or off a race course:
1. The phenomenom known as Jon Bowie. Blew the competition away, again. But the reason he makes The List is his ability to catch his breath enough that, by the end of the finish chute he (a) wasn't even breathing all that hard, and (b) accepting the winner's congratulations with a very polite and coherent, "Thank you;" talent AND class----what a lovely combo! His quick recovery make me believe that his VO2Max must be up there with elite
athletes---no kidding! Jon: ever considered having it testing, just to know? It's obviously tremendous because though you aren't "heavy" by any means, you aren't built like a racehorse, either, and yet you move your mass considerably faster than most all of your competition.
2. Blond-Spikey Kenric: While looking just a little wiped, just as one would expect an athlete to look in a finish chute after a strong finish, Kenric had an amazingly fast recovery when jokingly told he'd had a great race that unfortunately could not be considered for a world record as it had been deemed wind-aided. He immediately found the will and the breath to say something to the effect of,
"Wind-aided?!?Whatyoutalking'boutwindaidedThatwasaHEADwind!!" Would've made for some good UTube footage is all I'm saying....
3. Possibly best of all, was Gabriel Wingard (until today an unknown athlete/person to me) who, after interjecting himself into a conversation between me and Blue Bee Bombers Rhonda "THE #1 Bomb" Collings and Victor "the sapling" Birch, claimed to not know me (true, true, all true) but momentarily and correctly identified me after only, I think, one sarcastic remark and one dismissive look from me (all in good clean fun, naturally). I am not kidding when I say that appx. two-to-four nanoseconds after "the look" Gabe said, "Ohhh, you're Mo." I hadda give him knucks, plus he went up like, 700,000 points in my estimation. The guy's fast---both on foot and even mentally, which you know, for guys, is really saying something!
Making my own fun, like always!