Posted by Chris LaSonde on October 06, 2008 at 14:11:53:
In Reply to: MY Mama posted by Monetta Roberts on October 03, 2008 at 18:33:24:
I confess to a fascination with Sound Off ... call it prurient if your upbringing so dictates, but my mama taught me that curiosity is generally wholesome and healthy and that whereas those that take time to pen well-perused prose to the editor may hail from higher social strata than the unwashed-behind-the-ears masses who assault the Press Register Sound Off answering machine with their plaints, protests and peeves, we are in the end all products of the self-same American Idol/Survivor/PowerBall/Death&Taxes society.
Your letters may say it civilly, but Sound Off's oft silly soundbites take the unfiltered pulse of the city.
Regardless, there was no concern, complain or suggestion, first-hand or otherwise. I had heard great good huzzahs about the Tuesday night group at Pro Health and was merely calling attention of my running brethren and sistern to the tidbit.
I do, of course, labor under the assumption that all runners, solo or en masse, do their bit as diplomats for the sport.