Posted by Kevin Egan on October 14, 2008 at 16:29:17:
In Reply to: Seeking Kevin Eagan (Pay It Sideways) posted by Monetta Roberts on October 12, 2008 at 07:06:20:
Well Mo... after checking The Onion, SNOPES, TMZ and other trustworthy news sources I can say that I am officially stumped. In the immortal words of Sgt Schultz - I know nothing - (pardon the '70's pop-culture reference).
Seriously, I don't know of a Thursday AM track workout at USA. There is an occasional hill workout that leaves out of Carpe on Thursday early morning. I have seen it go out at 5AM and 6AM. The difference seems to be calls it first. It does a one mile warm up, then three or four intervals up what I know as Fireman's Hill (or sometimes referred to Crybaby Hill).
If you run it, will they come? Announce the work-out for Thursday AM at USA. You never know, maybe folks will show up, no? See ya being mellow at the loop!