Posted by Maureen Van Devender on October 20, 2008 at 15:55:37:
Thank you to the following volunteers and organizations who came out to assist with this race the Pacers produced for the Saraland Area Chamber of Commerce and the North Mobile YMCA:
Peggy Olive
Sylvia Rogers
Kerry Rehm
Richard Leonard
Odie Van Devender
Joe McReynolds
Leon Mattics
Marlon Smith
Tony Price
Chris LaSonde
Jean Mattics
Stephanie Martin
Stephen Martin
Owen Martin
Merle Vignes
Sammy Berry
Donna Christian
Amy Owen
Dawn Stedham
Karen Steed
Tiffany Jones
Tara Green
Stephanie Verkouille
Sam White
Della White
Justin Sasser
David Lucas
Kenya Dennis
Rita Sullivan
Roy Seewer
Rob Blomquist
Joe McDonald
Saraland Police
Jimmy Matthews