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Posted by Jon Adams on March 03, 2009 at 14:26:56:

In Reply to: Re: Thin Mint - 1 Mile Run posted by Mike Warrington on March 03, 2009 at 08:52:58:

The decision to certify the 1-mile at the "Old Mobile" would be up to the race officials....those who organize and produce this race, and though I can't actually speak for Jon Bowie I have a feeling that he would be willing to certify the course for a very minimal fee. While we're on this subject how about discussing the pros & cons of running the 1-Mile BEFORE the "Main Event"??? I'd like to see us reverse the order of races in a few instances, much like they do on occasion in NOLA. I briefly thought about trying to reverse the race order at Joe Cain, but we already had the race permits, registration forms, etc....completed.
Think about it, the 1-mile is always seen as a "Fun" run (and there's nothing wrong with that) with mainly younger children running and enjoying the sport at this classic distance, but let's face it....we don't really give them the support that they deserve. Usually by the time the 1-Mile gets under way most of us have retired to the post-race area to enjoy a beverage and one of those deelish Butch Cassidy's hot dogs, or we're glued to the wall where the results are posted. The only ones left out there to cheer these younger runners across the finish line are the parents of those who are running. What if we were to run the 1-Mile FIRST while everyone is still hanging out near the start/finish area and encouraged to really show the youngsters some support.....think about how special it is for a child to be wildly cheered as they cross the finish line of a 1-mile race that they were able to complete all by themselves!
I know this may cause some problems with logistics in regards to permit time lines and road closures and such, but I believe all of that could be worked out with a little planning. So whaddya think? Yes? No? Maybe?

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