Posted by Monetta Roberts on July 11, 2009 at 14:21:50:
Without the hardcopy newsletter with renewal date on the label, I need to know how do I know whether I'm current on my dues or not...'cause I don't know. Acually, I don't care how I'm supposed to know, I really just need to know whether I am current.
Why so? You are probably not wondering in the least, along about now.
Well, I'll tell ya, I keep looking in the rear-view mirror of the Mojito, my MINI, to make sure it really is really for real, and the mirror keeps saying, "Yep, it's you, babe."
See, it seems that even though it was only, like seven or eight MO years ago that I was first joining the Pacers as a regular open division age-grouper, all full of myself and up in MY OWN face about how many runners I was eventually going to be able to out-racewalk (sooner or later), somehow I turned around three times; took my two beasts on a series of too many long afterwork walks; sailed through the ranks of the Masters division in a wink and a blink; and this very month I join some most excellent and distinguished company in the GRAND MASTERS division.
Grand Master Mo. ME!?! I will say that I think I'll be owed a little respect when the new season begins, due to my senior slitizen status. So start practicing now, all you little whippers and snappers.
I tell ya, as surprised as I am to realize the new racing division--and age--I am facing, I'm starting to believe it really is true, especially in light of two recent events:
(1) I received a credit card bill recently and immediately called to report that I'd stolen my own identity! Looks like I went out and did some "therapy shopping", but "I" would never have charged THAT kind of money! Even though I do have all the clothes. When they asked me why I'd stolen my own identity, I said, "Don't ask ME! I'm the victim here!! And I don't really think I should have to pay...." and
(2) I recently suffered some severe paper cuts in a tragic MATH LAB accident out in the boonies. According to the IRS I'd calculated my '08 taxes wrong, and I needed some help fast, and I didn't care where I got it.
Now, I'm not saying this unsavory sort of behavior is indicative of Grand Masters in general--not at all. All the ones I know are sharp as tacks, but me, I do anticipate a swift and painless descent.....but hey, at least it'll feel good to be fast again! * )
What a world, what a world,