Posted by Monetta Roberts on December 19, 2009 at 22:27:20:
In Reply to: Re: Bruce! I need to contact the walking Delcuzes please! posted by Bruce Coldsmith on December 18, 2009 at 11:58:15:
....but never you mind. And let me say, I know you are doing 1800 things all at once to make this equal to, as well as greater than, all the previous First Light Marathons, so lookit, my little relay walk team woes don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world, and I can and do appreciate that.
Now then, as for the Decuzeseses, and in particular the Missus, who maybe should've posted her plaintive plea herewith a looooooong time ago, like say, when you first passed along he/their request for a team for her to clump up with. Well, sorry to say while a prompt reply (on her/their part, not yours) may have netted her a spot on either "PAWS 4 PIGGY" or "PAWS 4 PIGGY II" ---TWO whole, handsome, enthusiastic and strong as freakin' nails walking teams ready, set and HONGRY to give the reigning two-year walk team relay Champions (the "MajicMotov8Rs" ) a walk for their ever-living money. Hoo-Haaaaa. 8~}
That's right folks, it's gonna be a horse race, right down to the finish: and, why if I were a bettin' man, why then I'd go straight out and give all my dresses away tomorrow! 8~0
So the bottom line is, we have ten (10!!!) strong walkers for the walk relay (!) PLUS me walkin' the whole 26.2, unless, that is, unless I keel over "deed" and ALL eleven (11) of us, + 2 drivers for the relay doing it, of course (1) for L'Arche Mobile; and for (1)(p) to honor the memory and the Life & Times of My Piggy, and to raise funds for (a) ARF; for (b) Baldwin County's Mutt Ministry; and for (c) either T.L.C. Animal Hospital ~~or~~ the veterinary clinic of YOUR choice, the funds to be used solely for the clinics' neediest clients who are struggling to pay for their pets medical care and meds.
It's your choice where your contribution goes: you make out the check or disignate where the cash or credit goes.
We're (at least I'M) off to a really slow start, $$-wise, and any and all donations will be greatly appreciated. And if we don't raise a dime, we're still doing it for the Pigalito's memory.
Mrs. Delcuze, I'm afraid, has missed the boat. However, should someone need to drop out of one of Pig's teams, and should I receive a valid way of contacting her, she will absolutely be the very first person on the waiting list to tak that place.
I *am* truly sorry, but I do have to get this ship under sail. Bruce, (if you're still there), and if they contact you again, PLEASE ask them to e- me @
Donations will be wildly appreciated from one and all: 43 West Hathaway Road Mobile, 36608 ~~OR~~ contact a team member:
Krista Presnall
Nancy Pierce
Barry Silverman
Beth Taylor
Cindy Brasfield
Anita Smith
Tony Price
Elisabeth Jenkins
Meagan Jorns
Douglas Carleton
1. Jenni Curry
2. ????? (YOU?!?)