Re: Blue Bell Bombers came out on top of Masters Relay Competiti

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Posted by Leif Irgens on January 04, 2005 at 08:00:52:

In Reply to: Blue Bell Bombers came out on top of Masters Relay Competiti posted by Victor Birch on January 03, 2005 at 23:47:48:

Nice job, Bombers, especially Lynnallin who made it all the way around the full course all by herself (as in no relay team-mates), in weather that would surely be considered heat wave even in the summer up in Canada!

It appears Timmy has been taking lessons from Leif's "How to Psyche out Your Opponents Before the Race Starts" program. Timmy informed me at registration that the poor Bombers had lost their fastest relay runner and would have to make due with a slower substitute. Turns out Robert wasn't so injured after all. Glad to hear you were able to enter your original team but it definitley sounds like something I'd do to get an edge in the mental department . . .

Oh, and by way, I checked the relay results and, while it seems that the Men's Bombers Masters Team finished 1st, if one peruses the results carefully, one could decude that they also finsished last in the Men's Masters Relay Division.

Sorry Victor, can't let you get an toe-hold on increasing your confidence for the big 2005 Challenge you issued last month. Oh, and by the way, my split for 5 miles minus about 100 yards was under 33 min. so you'd better get back to the track and start running your mile repeats if you want to beat me in anything this spring.

Stay healthy,


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