Posted by Joey Warner on January 09, 2005 at 12:04:20:
Sometimes we get off the track in life and then we can’t find the trail but running is always a way to serve.
Why in the world do we run?
Are we always prepared to give a reason?
Is it because we want to sacrifice our body? Is it just plain commitment? Do we just want to work hard? Do we have too much energy? Do we want to get stronger? faster? tougher?
Do we want to feel our muscles labor? Do we love to just sweat? Do we want to relieve stress? lose weight? become more healthy? feel our pulse? test our heart? circulate our blood? pound our feet? create spurs, calluses and fungus on our toes? clean out, fill up, and expand our lungs? test our endurance and stamina? build our morale? lift our self esteem? build our confidence? challenge ourself?
Do we run to wander off in to a world of our own? is it discipline? habit? addiction? compulsive? obsessive? I got it.....We just love to buy a new pair of running shoes every couple of months!
The list goes on and on.
Pessimistic people will find a reason that is negative about runners. Most of those reasons are foolish because why should they worry anyway.
Then there is the optimist that is positive and finds goodness in the obseravtion of a lonesome person running down the road.
The gift is within us people. It did not come from us but from the glory of God. Maybe some of us can’t find the handle on it yet the heart continues to pump, vibrate and beat to a rhythm that is so joyous that becomes exhausting.
Our mind is in control as we run. Our body can only do so much but our brain is the operater. We are always thinking when we run so we don’t have time to worry about what others are thinking when they see us shuffling about the streets and trails of Mobile. A sound mind while running clears the path. It is difficult to relax our mind thought as we run because of the temptation and resistance. We know it is getting tiresome when the same subject continues to revolve around our head. This is when we need something to change the focus. We become weary and experience that awful pain.
We want it and we ask for it. It makes it all so good when we complete the task of a run, especially one that almost takes all we had to give.
It was not us.
It was HIM that endured the real pain for US.
Some choose not to think about these kind of things but I know what happens to me and where I try to keep God during my runs.
Running is a Spirit. A way for us to get to very sincere in our belief and reasoning as we put one foot in front of the other.
Our truthful attitude toward running and its strenuous demands builds the enthusiasm that helps us make it a happy sport.
Running is a part of us that is valuable in helping us deal with life and its generalities.
Running is fun and it is enjoyable. It is hard work and it is spiritual.
It does wonders for us and we know it.
Runners are blessed by God.
Do we believe this?
Are we prepared to give a reason for our belief?