Re: It was just a queston...everyone just calm down! :)

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Posted by Leif Irgens on January 13, 2005 at 13:05:41:

In Reply to: It was just a queston...everyone just calm down! :) posted by LeAnn Bailey on January 13, 2005 at 06:02:09:


Please keep a couple of things in mind when judging the responses to your question. First, "tone" doesn't come across in the written word. Having been a "regular" on the forum for years, I can say that many times when one of us amateur comedians make an attempt at being funny, it doesn't quite come across as humor in the written word.

Also, keep in mind that there are certain subjects (such as race sponsorship) that have been vigorously debated and critizied for years. These subject are "hot buttons" for many of the people who have worked very hard in this arena. It's common for people to complain from the sidelines that "we should so this" or "we shouldn't do that". These same people will often make absolutely NO attempt to help resolve the situation but will feverishly complain about it anyway. That's extreemly annoying to people who have worked hard in that arena and know the obstacles they are facing. You can see the history of complaints about race sponsorship in the tone of the responses to your question. Note that several people have pointed out that we're happy to get what we can get. Unfortunatley for people who run but don't approve of alcoholic beverages, beer companies are often the first and/ or only companies that will response to a request for race sponsorship.

It's unfortunate that you're catching some heat from the history of other people's complaints but I don't think it's intended to be a personal attack. It's a conditioned response to the subject you bring up, not to you personally.

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