Posted by lynn allin on March 21, 2005 at 22:06:19:
All that stuff that everyone has been saying about suck it up or volunteer, well, DITTO!!
And that comes from a volunteer (me!) who is happy to report that MONTHS after I signed up for this job, I am finally getting around to being rid of it.
I am bringing the BOMB tshirts to McCoys tomorrow a.m., Tuesday March 22.
**Collective sigh of relief and YAhooo!**
I appreciate everyone who said they were the nicest race shirts they have had in years, those who loved the design and those who were patient. YOU are who I made the shirts for. Those who gave too-little-too-late advice, and whiney people...well you can have your shirts too, but I hope they make you itchy.
...and please, don't take a shirt if you aren't on the list. I have had people lie already about being on the list. That's stealing. Stealing is bad. Didn't yer momma teach you better?
No. Evidentally, lots of mommas missed the lecture on honesty. And judging by the discourse, lots of mommas skipped the part about being appreciative and thankful too.
If you hate the races, volunteer. How do you think I got talked into helping with the BOMB? I hate white race shirts!
And because I like to think this year's suffering won't be for naught, I am already on board to do shirts again next year. Will the race be perfect? No. Will it be better? Yes. And I'll order more shirts...but they still won't be white.
...and if you still aren't happy, run against the board. Host your own races. Sponsor a race. There are dozens of positive things that can come from someone's comments. Let's look at these things constructively, and keep the comments constructive.
...or, take up bowling.
Lynn "free, free at last" Allin