Re: Mo truth

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Posted by Leif Irgens on September 04, 2007 at 09:44:23:

In Reply to: Mo truth posted by Victor Birch on September 03, 2007 at 23:16:48:

Yea, I heard on the news that there was also a fatal car collission out at Tillman's corner yesterday. I think I'll quit driving my car too. It's just too dangerous out there.

OK, sarcasm aside, MO has a point - cars are certainly capable of killing bicyclists . . . and pedestrians . . . and runners . . . and people in other cars. It IS important to be vigilant to your surroundings. But - ultimately - any time we leave our homes (and sometimes when we even try to hide from danger inside our homes), accidents happen and people get hurt or killed. The world is a dangerous place but I - for one - will not hide out and avoid the things I enjoy just because I might die doing them. If I did that, I wouldn't do anything and that wouldn't really be living.

So, stay alert - the world needs more 'lerts.

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