Posted by Monetta Roberts on September 16, 2007 at 12:25:15:
In Reply to: Re: Forget about it... posted by Leif Irgens on September 16, 2007 at 08:17:20:
I realize the age-group adjustment is qualitative but it's the only thing out there that allows for any sort of numerical comparison for - roughly - what I should be capable of at this age. I've lived my entire life basing my running performaces on time. Now that 5k in 20 min. is my race pace and not my morning warm-up run, I'm looking for ways to better understand my performace as I age.
But I am not depressed about it. I don't know where you guys got the idea that I'm depressed about getting slower. I'm trying to better understand it - there is a difference.
I intuited you would not go for the perceived effort model right from the get-go, still I threw it out there because, (a) I think it's valid for us--and of course, I know this excludes you ; )---Type B personality types, and (2) I love a good debate, most especially when 'more or less' rational types like you and me (and yes, even Victor[ia])can engage in such without being reduced to getting personal about it.
And when I used the term depressed, it was a bad choice of words on my part. Based on what you'd said previously about having seen the last of 17:00 5Ks---and I'd caution you to be careful there! There's much power in words!! Tell yourself something enough and you will surely make it true regardless of what may ever have been possible! Anyway, based on that statement, or a statement similar to that, I assumed you to be less happy about the assumption rather than more happy about it, although I admit that WAS my assumption----still, never did you hint at depression!
So I will say just two more things: I think you DO understand the slowing process. You are aging, and a certain slowing SOMETIMES accompanies aging, but not always. However, as I've just mentioned, whatever you deeply believe is more likely to happen that what you doubt will happen.
And lastly, if you've spent your athletic life basing your running performances on time, why not just continue to look to the clock?? The clock don't lie, especially coupled with a certified course.
Trying ro decide what you SHOULD be capable of at your age, given your athletic CV, seems to be just one more club with which to beat your self over the head with should you not measure up. Why not continue training as well as your aged body---KIDDING!---will allow and race as hard as your competitor's heart will race----just like always, and see where the chips may fall?
I don't mean to insult anyone, but I've competed in several USATF national master's championships, and frankly, I find it a little pitiful that you have to study the results to see who actually won the dang races! Instead of saying who the top 3, or whatever were, they award medals to the top X in each 5-year age group and then other races for over 40s age grade for awards. I think it's sad! The WINNERS were the first so many M & F to cross the finish line!
I don't think we should be made to feel better in this way for getting old! We should be used to the concept by now! To the victor go the spoils~~~~We shouldn't spoil everyone by making most people victors!
Train, get in good shape, stop feeding yourself negative messages based on your age, race, time it: That's what you're capable of doing!
I yield the floor to my worthy opponent.......