Bill White, U Misguided Sweet Soul....

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Posted by Monetta Roberts on September 27, 2005 at 08:29:08:


I love ya, dude, but I gotta tell you: Get a grip. On your dog leash! There are leash laws in Mobile for a reason, and while I don't know what they are; the situation you described in your latest PL column would've been about something completely different had you been adhering to city ordinances.

Personally, I've been terrorized while training on the mean streets of Mobile by a mastiff, a yellow lab (oh yes---in Llanfair, I can show you where the furry bitch lives), the dreaded cocker spaniel, and some seriously big (albeit thankfully chained) dogs of indescriminant origin, and a pack of three weird-in-a-bad-way looking dogs I encountered on the backside of the USA swamp loop while training solo. It turned out those three weren't threatening at all, but being far removed from my risk-taking youth, I calculated my odds of winning a possible race (or battle) with multiple canines and climbed one of the young roadside oaks, just in case. Yeah, Ok, I felt pretty silly when they sauntered up to my tree and gave me some curious looks; but after a couple of "Good dogs! Very good dogs!" they continued on their merry way, and I climbed down once they were out of sight. I was grateful at the time there were no human witnesses, but now, years, later, I can talk about it.

And then there's the occasional serious bicycle wreck (I'm thinking of Leif Irgens' experience, among others) caused by nothing more a loose dog programmed not only to "...say hello," as is Charlie, but also to chase anything moving fast.

I read recently that they are killing every single dog in Denver, CO that in any way resembles a pit bull--regardless of personal history, actual breed, etc. It just has to look like one. Heck, I know some PEOPLE that look pit bullish---I wonder if they're rounded up too. Anyway, animal control officers, along with police, show up at the homes of suspects and simply take them. During a very brief waiting period, if anyone can prove they reside outside of Denver and promise the dog will never take one more sniff inside the city limits, the dog is released; otherwise, they get the ax. The article said they are averaging three kills per day since May '05. Perhaps you're a Denverite at heart? Having a Jewish background, I'm just a tad sensitive to such "cleansing" tactics.

Admit it, Charlie wouldn't have a sore throat right now; and you probably wouldn't have wailed upon a strange dog and a strange person had your dog been restrained as is legally required.

We can agree to disagree, but free-roaming "friendly" dogs are the reason I can barely walk my leashed dogs out of my neighborhood without having an anxiety attack, so for a second time I urge you: Get a grip.



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